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Genesis 18:1-15

Q.1. Did Abraham know who was visiting him? What special treatment did he give them? (Gen.18:1-8)

Abraham did not know the identity of the three men, although the chapter comments that one of the angelic visitors was ‘the Lord’ … an Old Testament Christophany i.e. appearance of Christ (Gen.18:1-2; Josh.5:13-16 c.f. Heb.13:2). He must have suspected that this was a significant visit, so he went to great lengths to provide them with the best he had available (Gen.18:3-8).

Q.2. What news did the angels bring? Why was the promise not laughable? (Gen.18:9-15)

The heavenly visitors were on a mission. They confirmed the promise that Sarah would bear the promised son to Abraham (Gen.18:9-10 c.f. Gen.17:19). Since she was past child-bearing age, Sarah expressed her doubts that such a thing was possible (Gen.18:11-12). However, as with the initial unbelief of the disciples over the resurrection of Jesus, God’s Word focused attention on the miracle that was about to happen. This situation allowed the Lord to remind Abraham that nothing is impossible for Him to accomplish – Is anything too difficult for the Lord? (Gen.18:14 c.f. Gen.18:13-14). Though Sarah denied that she laughed, these events helped to prepare her to submit to God’s plan to give Abraham the heir of promise.

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