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Psalm 41:1-13

Q.1. How will God care for those who consider the defenceless? How was David being treated by his enemies? Was his mistreatment undeserved? What was David’s cry to God? – (Ps.41:1-8)

David declared – How blessed is the one who considers the poor and those that are defenceless (Ps.41:1). He testified of several blessings from God – deliverance in a day of trouble … protection from evil people … sustenance upon his sickbed and … restoration to health (Ps.41:1-3). He was conscious of the wicked devices of his enemies. They couldn’t wait for him to be brought low and die. They spoke falsely as they – whisper together against me; Against me they devise my hurt (Ps.41:7 c.f. Ps.41:5-8). It is distressing if we are treated this way by supposed friends who gang up against us. This hurt David deeply because he was conscious of his own failures, and the enemy of his soul was taking advantage of this. Then he cried out to God – … O Lord, be gracious to me; Heal my soul, for I have sinned against You (Ps.41:4). Though David was struggling with the deceitful treatment he was receiving, he was honest and humble enough to acknowledge that he was far from perfect, and therefore in need of God’s mercy and grace himself.

Q.2. How did David’s rejection prefigure the betrayal of the Messiah? What was David’s assurance in spite of his sin? How did he express this confidence? – (Ps.41:9-13 c.f. Jn.13:18-19)

David was not just a godly man, but also a prophet of God. His cries mirrored what Jesus would suffer at the hands of wicked men. David identified the most hurtful actions of his close friend whom he had trusted – Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted up his heel against me (Ps.41:9). This was taken up by Jesus in the Upper Room, when He prophesied His betrayal by one of the chosen Twelve, who did that for thirty pieces of silver (Jn.13:18-19 c.f. Mt.26:15-16). David could hardly have been brought lower. However, this was where he shone. He did not believe that God would abandon him to his enemies (Ps.31:11). He looked up and declared in faith – But You, O Lord, be gracious to me and raise me up … (Ps.41:10). From the depths of despair, he remembered – 12 As for me, You uphold me in my integrity, and You set me in Your presence forever. 13 Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting (Ps.41:12-13). So often David captured our feelings of despair but encouraged us to resolve our pain through faith in God.

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