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2 Thessalonians 2:13-17

Q.1. Why should we be grateful that God has chosen us? By what process are we saved? – (2 Thes.2:13)

As sinners, we were hopelessly lost in our trespasses and sins. We were utterly unable to save ourselves. However, the Scriptures reveal two almost incomprehensible truths: (i) Christ was slain for sinners before the foundation of the world (c.f. Rev.13:8) (ii) The redeemed were also chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world (c.f. Mt.25:34; Eph.1:4). The Thessalonians had to understand that the ultimate redemption would take a lifetime, as God sanctifies us, (that is, the process by which God changes us to become what He has already declared us to be) by the operation of the Holy Spirit (2 Thes.2:13).

Q.2. What is the outcome of the Gospel in the believer? Why did Paul urge the Thessalonians to remain true to the Gospel? – (2 Thes.2:14-15)

God’s intention for those who have embraced the Gospel is – that you may gain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Thes.2:14 c.f. Jn 17:22). However, Paul had learned that not all who professed faith in Christ would stay connected. He urged the Thessalonians to – … stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught, whether by word of mouth or by letter from us (2 Thes.2:15). Many have responded to the Gospel and have even become members of a church. However, not all maintain a relationship with God that is consistent with the Word of God. This can only be done through Jesus Christ.

Q.3. How should we continue on our faith journey? How can we stay true? – (2 Thes.2:16-17)

Paul encouraged the Thessalonian believers to continue – in every good work and word (2 Thes.2:17). Both word and deed reveal a real commitment to Christ. This is an impossible task, were it not for God’s commitment to us – Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace (2 Thes.2:16). God cannot consistently depend on me, but I can rely upon my God Who will have kind and loving intentions toward me right through into eternity.