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Matthew 2:1-12

Q.1. When did the wise men arrive? Who were they trying to locate? How did King Herod respond? How did he find out where the Messiah would be? – (Mt.2:1-6)

Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth, but the birth of Jesus coincided with the time when a decree by Caesar Augustus required them to journey to their ancestral city of Bethlehem (c.f. Lk.1:26; 2:1). Some shepherds located baby Jesus in a livestock barn, where He was born because there was no other accommodation (Lk.2:7 & 12). When the wise men arrived in Jerusalem during the reign of King Herod, Joseph and Mary had moved to a house (Mt.2:1 & 11). It is understandable that these men went to Jerusalem, which was David’s royal city, looking for the King of the Jews (Mt.2:2). The news put Herod and all Jerusalem on edge.  Herod inquired from the religious leaders where the Messiah was to be born (Mt.2:3-4). They pointed him to the insignificant town of Bethlehem, as revealed in Micah 5:2.

Q.2. Why did Herod tell the wise man he wanted to locate Jesus? How did the wise men find Him? What was their response? Did they return to Herod? – (Mt.2:7-12)

Matthew made it clear that Herod had an ulterior motive for finding Jesus. He secretly called the wise men and pretended that he wanted to join them in worship of the newborn King (Mt.2:7-8). After months of following a guiding star, the travellers were providentially led to the very house where Jesus was. God’s clear guidance brought indescribable joy to the seekers (2:10). This is invariably the result of seeking and finding the Saviour. (Mt.2:9-10). They had made the long journey with a clear purpose – … they fell to the ground and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Mt.2:11). These rich gifts would help finance the journey into Egypt, needed to escape Herod’s evil plot to kill Jesus (c.f. Mt.2:13-14). The wise men were warned to avoid Herod, so return to their own country another way (Mt.2:12).

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