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Joshua 7:1-26

Q.1. What report did the spies of Ai bring back to Joshua? How did the campaign go? What explanation was given for Israel’s defeat? How broad are the consequences of sin? – (Josh.7:1-5 c.f. Josh.6:2)

Joshua had sent out spies to the next city of Ai. They reported – … Do not let all the people go up; only about two or three thousand men need go up to Ai; do not make all the people toil up there, for they are few (Josh.7:3).  Therefore only three thousand soldiers went to Ai, but Israel’s army ended up having to flee, and with a loss of thirty-six men (Josh.7:4-5). After the comprehensive victory of Jericho, Israel’s defeat there brought shame and fear. There was something very wrong – the sons of Israel acted unfaithfully regarding the things under the ban, for Achan … took some of the things under the ban. Therefore, the anger of the Lord burned against the sons of Israel (Josh.7:1). As with Adam, the sin of one affected the whole nation (c.f. Rom.5:12).

Q.2. With what attitude did Joshua and the elders approach God? What was the explanation for Israel’s defeat? How was Joshua to rectify the problem? – (Josh.7:10-15)

Unaware of Achan’s sin, Joshua and the leaders expressed their sorrow before the presence of the ark of the Lord (Josh.7:6). Joshua felt that God had let them down and had trapped them in a hostile land. He added that their demise would reflect badly against the Lord (Josh.7:7-9). God then informed Joshua that there was sin in the camp – Israel has sinned, and they have also transgressed My covenant which I commanded them. And they have even taken some of the things under the ban and have both stolen and deceived (Josh.7:11).  In grace, God provided Israel with a way of escape from His wrath and promised to place His finger on the offender (Josh.7:13-15).

Q.3. How was Achan’s sin exposed? How did he explain his disobedience? Why was the whole family of Achan condemned? Was the judgment too severe?  – (Josh.7:16-26 c.f. Josh.7:5 & 11-12)

God told Joshua to identify the culprit by using lots (Josh.7:16-18). Achan was then ordered to confess his sin. His greed and deception were uncovered. His sin showed complete disrespect for God’s warning, as God had directed – only keep yourselves from the things under the ban, so that you do not covet them and take some of the things under the ban and make the camp of Israel accursed and bring trouble on it … Israel has sinned, and they have also transgressed My covenant which I commanded them (Josh.6:18; 7:11). Because of what Achan did, thirty-six soldiers had died, and thirty-six families and relatives were bereft of their loved ones. Achan’s sin had destroyed Israel’s morale. The army had fled before its enemies, and the whole nation was thrown into fear and confusion. The judgment on Achan and his family was necessary. It would stop anyone from justifying Achan, and it would prevent the bereaved families from feuding with Achan’s survivors. The penalty was fair for the nation. Fellowship with God was restored when – the Lord turned from the His fierceness (burning) of His anger (Josh.7:26). Similarly, during the establishment of the Church, Ananias and Sapphira were struck dead for hypocrisy and deception. This gave a clear message to the early church that they needed to be honest before God and His people. It also discouraged people from attaching themselves to God’s church, unless they meant business.

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