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Psalm 8:1-9

Q.1. Why did David ascribe majesty to the Lord? From whom would you expect praise for God to flow? How did Jesus commend the faith of children? – (Ps.8:1-2 & 9 c.f. Mt.18:1-4; 21:15-16)

Twice David cried out – O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth (Ps.8:1 & 9). However, this majesty is not confined to the earth. He added – Who have displayed Your splendour above the heavens! (Ps.8:1). As if the earth is not magnificent enough, the heavens above and the starry universe beyond all declare the splendour of God (Ps.8:1 c.f. Ps.19:1-6). However, David also observed what Jesus recognised. You would expect that as people mature, they would grow in awe and wonder at all that God has made. The opposite is true. When the disciples wanted to know who was greatest in the kingdom of heaven, Jesus called a child and set him before them (Mt.18:1-2). We need to become like a child in order to qualify for His kingdom (Mt.18:3-4).

Q.2. What impact did the heavens have on David? Why was he staggered by God’s grace? How is this wonder fulfilled in Christ? – (Ps.8:3-8 c.f. Heb.2:6-9)

Even a simple consideration of the intricacies of the universe makes a person seem so small. David considered the elevation that God had given to human beings over creation, combined with our potential for an intimate relationship with the Creator, and he exclaimed – 5 Yet You have made him a little lower than God, and You crown him with glory and majesty! 6 You make him to rule over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet (Ps.8:5-6). God’s grace towards sinners is astounding. However, this Scripture was quoted in Hebrews as applying to Christ’s substitutionary atonement, when the writer connected this prophecy about man to Christ – But we do see Him who was made for a little while lower than the angels, namely, Jesus, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honour, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone (Heb.2:9 c.f. Heb.2:6-8). The creation is awesome. God’s entrusting of mankind to administer over nature is staggering. His willingness to adopt us as children of the living God, is pure grace (c.f. Heb.2:5-13).

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