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Acts 4:23-37

Q.1. How did the church evaluate the opposition of the Jewish leaders? What was their prayer request? How did God answer their pleadings? – (Acts 4:23-31)

The immediate response of the church was to see the opposition of the religious leaders in the light of the Scriptures. They reminded themselves of God’s sovereign power as Creator and Sustainer of all things – to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose predestined to occur (Acts 4:28 c.f. 4:24). They saw their trials as fore-ordained opposition against God … and by inference to themselves – 25 who by the Holy Spirit, through the mouth of our father David Your servant, said, Why did the Gentiles rage, and the peoples devise futile things? 26The kings of the earth took their stand, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against His Christ.’ (Acts 4:25-26). They viewed the Jewish leaders as being no different from Gentile unbelievers. Far from requesting for the persecution to stop, they asked for boldness to keep sharing the Gospel (Acts 4:29-30). God gave a dynamic response from Heaven, when – … the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness (Acts 4:31). The filling did not come with tongue speaking, but with boldness in speaking the Word of God intelligently.

Q.2. What was the initial role of the apostles? How did the early believers show their oneness? What did Barnabas do? How did he get his name? – (Acts 4:32-37)

God was extending the impact of the apostles, with accompanying signs and wonders (Acts 4:30). However, mostly people were being transformed forever through the preaching of the Gospel, as – with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all (Acts 4:33). Though almsgiving was part of the Jewish religion, there was still much poverty and hardship in the cities (Jn.9:8; Acts 3:2-3). Since there was no social welfare system in place, the early church expressed its love for others by sharing what they had and ensuring that none were left in need (Acts 4:32 & 34-35). In fact, many sold their surplus properties and brought the proceeds to the apostles for distribution. They did not sell the homes they lived in, but literally – ‘as many as were owners of lands or houses were selling them’ (Acts 4:34-35). A prominent leader in the church did the same. He sold a tract of land – Now Joseph, a Levite of Cyprian birth, who was also called Barnabas by the apostles … which translated means Son of Encouragement (Acts 4:36). His nickname said it all. He was greatly used by God in church planting.

Posted in Day 1, Bible Books, Acts, New Testament, Church History, BRP Plus, Chapter 4, Year 5, Week 16