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Ezekiel 47:1-23

Q.1. What will be the features of the transformed land of Israel? What makes the water supply unique? How will life be sustained? – (Ezk.47:1-12)

The Temple on top of the high mountain will face east. A fountain of water will flow eastward, from the right side of the altar toward the south (Ezk.47:1-2 c.f. Joel 3:18). Ezekiel was told to wade through the stream. Every thousand cubits (about half a kilometre), he reported that the water rose to his ankles, knees, waist, and then became – a river I could not cross on foot, so deep one would have to swim (Ezk.47:3-5). On the riverbank, Ezekiel saw – great number of trees on both sides of the river (Ezk.47:6-7). The river will flow west and east through the Arabah (region below where the Dead Sea was), and into the sea, so that the waters will become fresh (Ezk.47:8). This corresponds with Zechariah’s prophecy of Christ’s return, when – His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives … which – will split in the middle from east to west by a very large valley … living waters will flow out of Jerusalem, half toward the eastern sea and half toward the western sea … (Zech.14:4 & 8). The new terrain should not be superimposed on the present geography. The valley will be very large, and the river will also be huge. It will join with eastern and western seas. It will be sub-tropical, and swarm with – every living creature wherever the river meanders complete with very many fish … like the fish of the Great (i.e. Mediterranean) Sea, very many (Ezk.47:9-10). This will be more like Eden, than the rocky territory of Israel as we know it. Unlike now, all the rivers, brooks, and springs will flow away from Mount Zion, and – by the river bank on each side will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither and their fruit will not fail. They will bear every month because water flows from the sanctuary, and their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing (Ezk.47:12). In its lagoons and swamps there will be salt for sacrifices and seasoning (Ezk.47:11) c.f. Lev.2:13; Ezk.43:24). The water from the throne of King Jesus will be prefect for abundant growth and fruitfulness.

Q.2. How will the inheritance of the land be divided? What will be the tribe of Joseph’s portion? Will any non-Israelites share in the inheritance? – (Ezk.47:13-23)

The Holy Portion is reserved for the Temple. The families of the Priests of Zadok, the Levites, and temple workers, and the city and suburbs of Jerusalem, will have their own large territory. It will be 25,000 rods [eighty kilometres] square. The Lord first addressed the ancient promises made by Jacob to Joseph (1 Chron.5:1 c.f. Gen.29:32; 48:15-22; 49:4). The Lord revealed that He has ratified the giving of the blessings of the firstborn, forfeited by Reuben and given to Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim, and Manasseh (Ezk.47:13-14 c.f. Gen.48:15-22). All the tribes will have an equal share of the fertile plains around the mountain of the Lord of 25,000 rods [eighty kilometres] by 10,000 rods [thirty two kilometres].
Another lovely feature of the Millennial Reign of Christ will be the provision for foreigners to live in the land of Israel. The land will be scenic and idyllic, with lush vegetation, and birds and animals. Israel will be blessed with monthly harvests of fruit and wine and oil (Ezk.47:12). The other nations are expected to bring at least annual offerings to the Lord or – no rain will fall on their land (Zech.14:1-19). For a time, the nations will desire to go to the mountain of the Lord to be taught His ways (Isa.2:1-3; Mic.4:1-4). Some of these unsaved foreigners will be drawn to the Lord and will want to settle amongst the tribes of Israel nearer to Mount Zion. The Lord directed that – 22 You will divide it by lot as an inheritance among yourselves and among the foreigners who live among you, who give birth to sons among you. They must be treated as the native-born children of Israel in the country. They must be allotted an inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel. 23 In whatever tribe the foreigner resides, there you will give him his inheritance,’ says the Lord God (Ezk.47:22-23). In this way, the walls of partition between Jew and Gentile will be broken down (Rom.15:7-21; Eph.2:11-22; 3:1-6). This also ensures that these foreigners and their families will not be caught up in the final rebellion under Satan, at the end of the millennium (Rev.20:7-9).

Posted in Old Testament, Bible Books, BRP Plus, Year 4, Major Prophets, Day 5, Ezekiel, Week 25, Chapter 47