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Genesis 17:1-27

Q.1. What was unique about this renewed Covenant that God made with Abram? (Gen.17:1-4)

God talked with Abram and stated that He wanted him to be different from the ungodly people around him. He would not just be the father of a nation … but the father of many nations (Gen.17:1-4 c.f. Rom.4:16-22).

Q.2. What was the significance of the change of his name to Abraham? (Gen.17:4-8)

To mark this added blessing to Abram (meaning ‘exalted father’), God changed his name to Abraham (meaning ‘father of a multitude’) – ‘For I have made you the father of a multitude of nations’ (Gen.17:5-6). God will also give Christian overcomers a new name in Heaven (Rev.2:17; 3:12).

Q.3. What sign of the Covenant was given to Abraham’s descendants? Who was involved? (Gen.17:9-14)

This time Abraham did not need to ask for a confirmation of the Covenant (c.f. Gen.15:8). God called on Abraham and all his descendants to enter into a blood Covenant, by circumcising every male (Gen.17:9-11). God expected each head of the family to enter into this Covenant before they entered into any other covenant such as marriage (Gen.17:12-13 c.f. Lk.2:21). All members of an Israelite household were to carry the sign or be cut off from the nation (Gen.17:13-14). New Testament believers have a spiritual seal and mark of ownership, that God can identify (2 Cor.1:21-22; Eph.1:13-14).

Q.4. What was the significance of the new name given to Sarah? What was Abraham’s response to the news? How did God confirm the Covenant line?  (Gen.17:15-27)

God solemnized the union between Abraham and Sarah, and equally extended His blessing to her. Her new name ‘princess’ was explained by God – I will bless her, and indeed I will give you a son by her … she shall be a mother of nations, kings, and peoples will come from her (Gen.17:16).  Abraham’s laugh of both joy and incredulity is understandable. This incident seems to be recorded in order to highlight the human impossibility of a baby being born to a woman ninety years old (Gen.17:17). Abraham had grown attached to Ishmael, and specifically asked for the Covenant blessings to flow through him. God’s response was emphatic. The everlasting Covenant would be limited to Sarah’s son, Isaac, and his descendants. Also, this long-awaited event would occur within the year (Gen.17:19 & 21). 

Posted in Bible Books, Genesis, Year 1, Old Testament, Law, Day 2, BRP Plus, Week 17, Chapter 17

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