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1 Corinthians 8:7-13

Q.1. Why do some believers have scruples about certain activities? Are we free to follow our own convictions? Under what circumstances is it better to forego a liberty? – (1 Cor.8:7-9)

We all have to contend with influences from our families, culture, and past experiences. In New Testament days, influences from the believer’s past attachment to the Jewish and Gentile cultures, brought sensitivities towards special Jewish days, dietary rules, and as here – meat offered up to idols (1 Cor.8:7). Today these convictions may influence the believer’s sensitivity to certain entertainment, movies, and beverages etc. It is a mark of maturity if we develop a sensitive conscience which helps us discern good from evil (Heb.5:14). We should not insist on our liberty to eat and drink whatever we want, but rather to – take care that this liberty of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak (1 Cor.8:9). In love and consideration of other people, we may need to forego a liberty.

Q.2. Can our liberty harm a fellow believer? When can exercising our liberty actually cause us to sin? At what conclusion did the apostle Paul arrive? – (1 Cor.8:10-13)

Paul claimed that it is possible for a fellow believer – for whose sake Christ died … with a different frame of reference, to be severely damaged (1 Cor.8:11). He gave us the insight that liberty is increased where there is sound teaching which produces knowledge and understanding. Where this is lacking, a person’s conscience may be compromised (1 Cor.8:10). Christian love means that we must be aware of how our liberty may affect others, lest we cause damage to them and – sin against Christ (1 Cor.8:12). Paul’s conclusion is clear – if food causes my brother to stumble, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause my brother to stumble (1 Cor.8:13). It is a sign of immaturity, not maturity, when people insist on their liberties at the expense of the unity of the body of Christ.

Posted in Year 1, Bible Books, BRP Plus, 1 Corinthians, New Testament, Letters, Day 6, Chapter 8, Week 48

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