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Proverbs 31:23-31

Q.1. How far-reaching is the influence of a virtuous wife on her husband? Is her blessing restricted to her own family? Why is she able to smile at the future? – (Prov.31:23-25)

A virtuous wife is a huge blessing to her husband at home, and with her family. However, it extends much further than that – Her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land (Prov.31:23). By contrast, a wife who is unfaithful or a gossip will drag down her husband. A godly wife elevates her husband to a place of respect, through her godliness. Her influence is also beyond the immediate family and extends to all with whom she is involved (Prov.31:24 c.f. 31:20). She can smile at the future, because she has made adequate preparation for contingencies, and can face whatever the circumstances, with a clear conscience (c.f. 1 Tim.1:5).

Q.2. From where does her strength come? Why do her husband and children praise her? What makes the virtuous woman stand out from others? – (Prov.31:26-31)

The excellent woman is known for her proven character, rather than her external beauty (which is fleeting – Prov.31:30 c.f. 2 Pet.1:2-8). She fears the Lord more than people, – … a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised (Prov.31:30). Her husband and children – rise up and bless her … because – she looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness (Prov.31:28 & 27). The virtuous woman is known for her inner beauty, and her God honouring character – her works praise her in the gates (Prov.31:31).

Posted in Old Testament, Bible Books, BRP Plus, Poetry, Proverbs, Day 4, Year 5, Chapter 31, Week 50