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Genesis 25:1-18

Q.1. How did Abraham treat his sons born to Keturah? Did he forget his heir, Isaac? How did his life end? (Gen.25:1-11 c.f. Gen.21:10-12)

Sarah, as Abraham’s wife, was to be buried in the same burial plot as Abraham (Gen.25:9-10 c.f. Gen.23:1-20). After Sarah had died and Isaac was married, Abraham married another wife, Keturah (c.f. Gen.16:1; Gen.25:6). She bore him six sons. He provided generously for all these children, but eventually sent them away to the land to the east. He then was able to leave his principal inheritance to his heir, Isaac, without threat of quarrelling (Gen.23:6). All of this was wise provision and protection for his heir of promise – Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac (Gen.25:5). Abraham lived to the age of one hundred and seventy-five and was satisfied with his life – God had been more than good to him (Gen.25:8).

Q.2. Did Ishmael respect Abraham? Where did they bury Abraham? Did God keep His promises to Ishmael? (Gen.25:9-18 c.f. Gen.16:10-12; 17:20)

Both Isaac and Ishmael buried Abraham in – the field which Abraham purchased from the sons of Heth; there Abraham was buried with Sarah his wife (Gen.25:10). God also kept His promise to make Ishmael a significant nation, by giving him twelve sons – all princes of their clans (Gen.25:16 c.f. Gen.17:20). God had described to Hagar the character of her son – He will be a wild donkey of a man, his hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will be against him; And he will live to the east of all his brothers (Gen.16:12). His descendants – settled from Havilah to Shur which is east of Egypt as one goes toward Assyria; he settled in defiance of all his relatives (Gen.25:18). The rendering in the Living Bible shows the fulfillment of every detail of the prophecy, when it stated – there they lived in defiance of all their relatives. God is all knowing and is a promise keeping God.

Posted in Bible Books, Genesis, Year 1, Old Testament, Law, Day 2, BRP Plus, Chapter 25, Week 27

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