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Genesis 16:1-16

Q.1. How did Sarai and Abram misapply God’s promise? What negative consequences did Abram, Sarai, and Hagar suffer for their mistakes? (Gen.16:1-6 c.f. Gen.15:4)

Abram misunderstood God’s promise, and also displayed a low view of marriage (Mt.19:4-6). Consequently, he and Sarai resorted to a man-made solution. Abram fathered a son with his concubine Hagar when no son was forthcoming through Sarai (Gen.16:1-6). Because they took things into their own hands, Abram’s and Sarai’s relationship suffered, and Hagar was mistreated by Sarai (Gen.16:4-6). Abram set a poor example, by being intimate with a person other than his one wife. This example would be followed for generations to come.

Q.2. How did the angel of the Lord approach Hagar? What did the angel counsel her to do? What promise was Hagar given? What would her son be like?  (Gen.16:7-16)

The angel addressed Hagar as Sarai’s maid and counselled her to return to the authority of her mistress (Gen.16:7-9). God also promised Hagar numerous descendants from a son whom she was to name Ishmael. (Ishmael means – God has heard) The angel then predicted that Ishmael would be a wild man who would be against everyone (Gen.16:10-12). Hagar was amazed that she had met with God and had lived to tell the tale (Gen.16:13-14). Abram deferred to her choice of name for their son.

Posted in Old Testament, Law, Bible Books, Genesis, Year 1, Day 2, BRP Plus, Week 16, Chapter 16

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