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Proverbs 6:1-11

Q.1. Why should we be cautious about making pledges and going guarantor? What is the best way to deal with such a pledge? How passionately should we seek deliverance? – (Prov.6:1-5)

The Israelites were not to charge interest from their own countrymen. God also assigned a Year of Jubilee when all debts were to be cancelled (Ex.22:25-27; Dt.15:1-11). Jesus went as far as to say – Give to everyone who asks of you, and whoever takes away from you what is yours, do not demand it back (Lk.6:30 c.f. Mt.5:38-42; Lk.6:30-38). It is unwise to go guarantor for someone for any amount, unless you are prepared to give it to them should they be unable to repay you Prov.6:1-2). Here Solomon shared a basic principle, which is that if you have unwisely entered into such an arrangement where you stand to lose the asset, then – 3 Do this then, my son, and deliver yourself; Since you have come into the hand of your neighbour, go, humble yourself, and importune your neighbour. 4 Give no sleep to your eyes, nor slumber to your eyelids (Prov.6:3-4). However, it is better to lose money, than to lose a friendship on account of money. Solomon advised caution in lending and borrowing. It is better to humble yourself, than to compromise your future or your relationships (Prov.6:3-5).

Q.2. To whom will poverty come? What observation did Solomon make about the ant? What characterises a sluggard? – (Prov.6:6-11)

Solomon addressed the work ethic espoused by people. He was not just critical of the lazy sluggard. He contended that their inactivity would lead to poverty and ruin (Prov.6:10-11). The sluggard likes his sleep too much and does not rise early in the morning (Prov.6:9-10 c.f. Prov.31:15). Solomon advised the sluggard to take a nature lesson from the ant – 6 … Observe her ways and be wise, 7 which, having no chief, officer, or ruler, 8 Prepares her food in the summer and gathers her provision in the harvest (Prov.6:6-8). The ant does not live hand to mouth or for itself alone, but stores against future want, and is highly motivated to meet the needs of the colony

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