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Luke 12:49-59

Q.1. What is surprising about Christ’s view of the future and the family? – (Lk.12:49-53)

Jesus was anticipating two great future events. He foreshadowed the final judgment of the world – I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled! (Lk.12:49). Then He considered His atoning death on the Cross for sinners, that He needed to face – But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is accomplished! (Lk.12:50). Jesus was distressed at what it would take to accomplish our salvation. He eagerly looked forward to the day when He will reign as the undisputed Champion of the world. There will not be any middle ground. We will either be for Him or against Him. We all know the sorrow of having family members who do not love the Lord. The demands of discipleship bring division, even within family relationships. As much as Jesus hated the thought of the cCoss, He could not wait for the final triumph.

Q.2. Does Christ’s critique of His generation still apply today? Why? – (Lk.12:54-56)

Jesus criticized the preoccupation of His generation with the prevailing weather conditions, while they ignored the signs of the times. This is even more obvious today, with international leadership summits that seek to broker peace and prosperity at any cost. All this is done while much of the world is in poverty and devastated by war, and while the wealthy grow wealthier. Worst of all is the complete denial of God. The world displaces the Saviour with feeble attempts at saving Planet Earth. Well may Jesus say – You hypocrites! You know how to analyse the appearance of the earth and the sky, but why do you not analyse this present time? (Lk.12:56).

Q.3. What is the point of the parable of Jesus? How can you apply its warning? – (Lk.12:57-59)

These verses should not be separated from what Jesus has been saying about discerning the signs of the times. His generation and ours will be condemned for failing to uphold God’s standards of righteousness (Lk.12:57). He reminded them that there is a process of judgment, with a range of consequences, even in this world. Jesus was warning us that if we fail to judge ourselves rightly then the outcome will be tragic and costly (Lk.12:58-59).

Posted in Gospels, Day 1, Bible Books, New Testament, BRP Plus, Luke, Year 3, Chapter 12, Week 37