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Proverbs 20:10-20

Q.1. What attitudes and actions should we cultivate to succeed in life? – (Prov.20:10-20)

God hates deception in business dealings – Bad, bad, says a buyer, but when he goes his way, he boasts about his purchase (Prov.20:14 c.f. Prov.20:10). We should understand that God is sovereign, and that – the hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made both of them (Prov.20:12). We should treat everyone equally and speak truthfully in all our dealings. We will be established as we act with integrity. We should avoid sleeping excessively or taking advantage of others. Rather, we should work diligently (Prov.20:13). We should place greater value on godly character than on material things (Prov.20:15). Before we make decisions, it is wise to seek guidance, and consult with those whom we trust (Prov.20:18).

Q.2. What relationships should we strengthen and which ones should we try to avoid? Why? – (Prov.20:11-20)

Solomon stated that promotion comes by acting with pure and righteous motives (Prov.20:11). He exposed the folly of deceptive talk – He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets; Therefore, do not associate with a gossip (Prov.20:19). We should place a guard on our speech and avoid slander. Added to this, we should refuse to listen to the slanderous destructive speech of others (c.f. Eph.4:25, 29). Any advantage will be short-lived (Prov.20:17). It is very unwise to use our resources to go guarantor for someone whom we barely know (Prov.20:16). Many people have lost much through the deceptive scams of swindlers. We are wise to commit to honouring our parents. The Bible has warned there are dire consequences if we curse those who bore us (Prov.20:20 c.f. Eph.6:1-3).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Proverbs, Poetry, Year 4, Day 4, Week 9, Chapter 20