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Psalm 119:33-40

Q.1. What was the Psalmist’s prayer to God when he approached the Scriptures? What was his attitude toward God’s revealed Word? – (Ps.119:33-35)

The Psalmist constantly expressed his delight in the Word of God. He determined – to observe it to the end … so he could – walk in the path of Your commandments (Ps.119:33 & 35). Such delight is a wonderful motivation for regular reading, studying, and meditation on the Bible. What gave him this delight? Anyone who wants to know God’s heart will delight in His Word. The Psalmist wanted to learn and understand it, so that he could observe it with all his heart (Ps.119:34). Such an attitude will bring about positive change.

Q.2. What clue did the Psalmist give us as to why he needed to approach God and His Word with earnestness? – (Ps.119:36-38)

His prayer showed that he struggled with his sinfulness, as we all do. He did not want to pursue – dishonest gain … He knew God’s Word would help him – turn away my eyes from looking at vanity (Ps.119:36-37).  Like us, he was easily distracted by vain pursuits and dishonest gain. He desired that God would – establish Your word to Your servant, as that which produces reverence for You (Ps.119:38). The reverencing of God and His Word is crucial to our keeping on track in a crooked generation. Many voices tell us that to remain faithful to God’s ways will not bring as much joy and fulfillment. The Psalmist prayed that God’s voice would revive him during times of testing and reproach, so that his heart would be at peace (Ps.119:39-40).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Psalm, Poetry, Year 4, Day 4, Week 10, Chapter 119