Psalm 119:105-112 Q.1. How important was the Word of God to the Psalmist? How did he make sure the Word benefitted him? – (Ps.119:105-106 &…
1 Chronicles 19:1-19 Q.1. What prompted David to send messengers to the king of Ammon? How were his messengers treated? What was the aftermath? –…
Numbers 35:1-34 Q.1. How did God plan for the Levites to stay connected to Israel? What roles were the Levites to pursue? – (Num.35:1-8) When…
John 5:30-47 Q.1. What warning did Jesus give about people making claims? How should we check out the validity of such claims? – (Jn.5:30-32) The…
Hebrews 3:1-6 Q.1. In what way is Jesus like Moses and in what way is Jesus much greater than Moses? What does this mean for…
Ezekiel 44:1-31 Q.1. How do we know that the prince is not the Lord Jesus? When will God fulfil His promise to David made generations…
Psalm 119:97-104 Q.1. How did the Psalmist benefit from following God’s Word? Are age and education a guarantee of spirituality? What attitude of the Psalmist…
1 Chronicles 18:1-17 Q.1. How successful was David as king? How did he maintain his ascendency? What did he do with the tribute paid by…
Numbers 34:1-29 Q.1. Why was the land described in the Promised Land only to be inherited by nine and a half tribes? – (Num.34:1-15) The…
John 5:19-29 Q.1. What was the main theme of the ministry of Jesus? Why has God given judgment to His Son? – (Jn.5:19-23) The main…