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Proverbs 20:1-9

Q.1. What are the dangers of overusing strong drink? – (Prov.20:1)

We live in a day when the process of making alcoholic drinks makes them ‘strong drink’ – Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is intoxicated by it is not wise (Prov.20:1). Solomon warned against drinking wine, since he observed that it led to unruly behaviour, thus making a mockery of the drinker.

Q.2. With what kinds of people should we be cautious to associate? Why? – (Prov.20:2-4)

Kings and leaders, with their far-reaching power, can turn against a person, with dire consequences (Prov.20:2 & 8). We should avoid quarrels and keep from troublemakers (Prov.20:3). In fact, this is an honourable thing to do. We are to keep from the example of sluggards and bludgers and commit to being responsible and industrious (Prov.20:4). 

Q.3. What attitude should a person develop toward himself and others? – (Prov.20:5-9)

Solomon observed that some people are reluctant to share their inner feelings, while others are too quick to proclaim their loyalty (Prov.20:5-6). We should develop discernment and honesty about our failings. We should display integrity in word and deed (Prov.20:7). Such a righteous man will pass on a rich spiritual heritage to his children. We can never say that we have arrived spiritually, for – who can say, ‘I have cleansed my heart … I am pure from my sin? (Prov.20:9)

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Proverbs, Poetry, Day 4, Year 4, Week 6, Chapter 20