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Job 25:1-6 & Job 26:1-14

Q.1. How did Bildad compare man with God? Was his observation true? What did he insinuate about Job? – (Job 25:1-6; 26:1)

Bildad gave a lofty speech about God’s power and holiness – How then can a man be just with God? Or how can he be clean who is born of woman? (Job 25:4). His observations were accurate enough but were aimed to condemn Job for unrighteousness. This was a clinical way to approach a suffering saint.

Q.2. Why did Job consider Bildad’s comments to be unhelpful? How great was God in Job’s sight? Why was he then frustrated? – (Job 26:1-14)

Job picked up the slight against him and expressed the unfairness of condemning a person who was already down (Job 26:1). He asked Bildad what he was trying to do (Job.26:2-3). Job then added his agreement with Bildad’s ascribing to God all power and majesty. He knew that nothing is hidden from Him in Heaven, and earth, or even in Sheol (Job 26:5-13). However, this only further frustrated Job at this time. He did not understand why he was hardly able to hear a faint whisper from God, since God is so great and could thunder a reply (Job 26:14). There are few things as hard to bear as not knowing why we are suffering so acutely.

Posted in Bible Books, Job, Old Testament, Day 2, BRP Plus, Poetry, Year 5, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Week 36