Hebrews 1:1-7 Q.1. In what way is Christ a vastly better revelation of God? How should we respond to such news? – (Heb.1:1-3) All the…
Hebrews 10:1-18 Q.1. What made the sacrifices offered under the Old Covenant inadequate? What changed with the offering of Jesus? – (Heb.10:1-10) Since the sacrificial…
James 4:13-17.James 5:1-6 Q.1. How should a true follower of Christ plan his future? How did James define the essence of sin? – (Jms.4:13-17) A…
Titus 1:1-9 Q.1. What insights did Paul give us about the basis of our standing in Christ, and our calling to ministry? – (Tit.1:1-3) Paul,…
1 Peter 2:1-12 Q.1. Is salvation complete at ‘conversion’? How are we to grow? What does it mean to be a living stone? – (1…
Hebrews 1:8-14 Q.1. How long will God’s rule endure? What is the distinguishing mark of the rule of Jesus? – (Heb.1:8-9) The kingdom of God…
Hebrews 10:19-39 Q.1. How are we to approach our great High Priest, Jesus? What is the purpose of fellowship? What difference does our view of…
James 5:7-12 Q.1. What attitude should we cultivate in view of Christ’s coming? What can help us overcome complaints against one another? – (Jms.5:7-9) Just…
Titus 1:10-16 Q.1. What was Paul’s chief concern about the people Titus served? – (Tit.1:10-11) Paul was under no illusion about the difficulties Titus faced,…
1 Peter 2:13-25 Q.1. What kind of citizens should Christians be? How should we treat those appointed to govern? Where does God fit into all…