James 5:7-12 Q.1. What attitude should we cultivate in view of Christ’s coming? What can help us overcome complaints against one another? – (Jms.5:7-9) Just…
John 18:1-14 Q.1. How did the disciples know about the content of the prayer of Jesus? Where did they go after Christ’s prayer? How did…
James 5:13:20 Q.1. How should we respond to blessing and suffering? What can we expect from the elders’ prayer of faith? – (Jms.5:13-15) Our first…
John 18:15-27 Q.1. How was it that John was known to the High Priest, and was a disciple of Jesus at the same time? How…
1 Peter 1:1-12 Q.1. To whom was this letter addressed? What insights did Peter give about how sinners are saved? – (1 Pet.1:1-2) Israel was…
John 18:28-40 Q.1. Why did the Jews refrain from entering the Praetorium? What did they want Pilate to do? What was behind their request? –…
1 Peter 1:13-25 Q.1. How should the Hope of the Gospel inspire the believer? Why should God’s people be ever growing in holiness? – (1Pet.1:13-16)…
John 19:1-16 Q.1. What made the treatment of Jesus such a travesty of justice? Why did the Jews demand Christ’s death? – (Jn.19:1-7) Pilate had…
1 Peter 2:1-12 Q.1. Is salvation complete at ‘conversion’? How are we to grow? What does it mean to be a living stone? – (1…
John 19:16-27 Q.1. Where was Jesus crucified? What inscription recorded His crime? Did the Jews understand the claims of Jesus? – (Jn.19:16-22) John told us…