Luke 5:27-39 Q.1. How did Matthew Levi express his change of heart? Is this a normal way to act? – (Lk.5:27-29) Matthew Levi was rich…
Philippians 2:12-18 Q.1. What special assistance has God given to help us live a life that is pleasing to the Lord? – (Phil.2:12-13) Paul charged…
Luke 6:1-11 Q.1. Why did Jesus object to the way the Pharisees interpreted the Sabbath laws? Would the Pharisees have accepted David’s use of the…
Philippians 2:19-30 Q.1. What was special about Timothy? How will the church benefit if we cultivate a similar heart? – (Phil.2:19-23) Timothy was a wonderful…
Luke 6:12-26 Q.1. How much focus did Jesus place on the calling of the twelve apostles? What did He call them to do? – (Lk.6:12-16)…
Philippians 3:1-11 Q.1. What religious attitude in the Philippian Church was Paul dismantling? Why did he document his own human credentials? – (Phil.3:1-6) Paul was…
Luke 6:27-42 Q.1. What approach to others did Jesus teach us to follow? In what way does this new direction drive us to the Saviour?…
Philippians 3:12-21 Q.1. Did Paul subscribe to the idea of sinless perfection? What was his new reason for living while on earth? – (Phil.3:12-16) Paul…
Luke 6:43-49 Q.1. Why did Jesus speak about fruit trees? How do people reveal what is in their hearts? – (Lk.6:43-45) Jesus taught the crowds…
Philippians 4:1-9 Q.1. What were Euodia and Syntyche really like? How did Paul address them? – (Phil.4:1-3) Paul treasured the Philippians and considered them –…