Luke 9:46-62 Q.1. In what ways did the disciples of Jesus misunderstand His mission? – (Lk.9:46-56) This passage reveals several misconceptions that the disciples had…
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Q.1. What attitude toward God and men motivated Paul to preach the Gospel? – (1 Thes.2:1-4) Most people would have given up…
Luke 10:1-24 Q.1. Why did Jesus send out the seventy disciples? What were His instructions? – (Lk.10:1-11 & 16) As with the Twelve, Jesus sent…
1 Thessalonians 2:9-16 Q.1. What features of Paul’s life demonstrated how to live a life worthy of God? – (1 Thes.2:9-12) Paul served among the…
Luke 10:25-37 Q.1. How did Jesus respond to the lawyer’s question about eternal life? Can we live this way consistently? – (Lk.10:25-28) A lawyer asked…
1 Thessalonians 2:17-20 & 3:1-5 Q.1. What did the Thessalonians mean to Paul? In what way did Satan hinder him? Could Satan remove his joy?…
Luke 10:38-42 & 11:1-13 Q.1. What attitudes characterized Martha and Mary? What did Jesus teach us about giving priority to our relationship with Him? –…
Luke 11:14-28 Q.1. How did Jesus refute the claim that He was in league with Beelzebub the ruler of demons? – (Lk.11:14-20) Jesus had cast…
1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 Q.1. Who should we be trying to please when it comes to expressing our sexuality? – (1 Thes.4:1-5) In general terms the…
Luke 11:29-54 Q.1. What point was Jesus making to His hearers when referring to the Queen of Sheba and the people of Nineveh? – (Lk.11:29-32)…