Nehemiah 1:1-11 Q.1. Who was Nehemiah? What news about Jerusalem caused him so much heart-ache? What did he do about the news? – (Neh.1:1-4, 11)…
Nehemiah 2:1-20 Q.1. How quickly was Nehemiah’s prayer answered? Why was the king’s response scary? How did God overrule in the king’s response to Nehemiah?…
Nehemiah 3:1-32 Q.1. What do we learn about the kinds of workers who got involved? Did everyone participate? Why were the first three gates important? …
Nehemiah 4:1-23 Q.1. Why would the enemies be opposed to the rebuilding of the wall? How did they oppose the Jews? What do you think…
Nehemiah 5:1-19 Q.1. What additional trial made the rebuilding of the wall discouraging? How did this affect the morale of the workers and their families?…
Nehemiah 6:1-19 Q.1. What was the next strategy of the enemy? How persistent were they? How did they malign Nehemiah? How did he respond? –…
Nehemiah 7:1-73 Q.1. What did Nehemiah put in place after the wall was rebuilt? Why were Hanani & Hananiah chosen? What was their role? Where…
Nehemiah 8:1-18 Q.1. What was the timing of Ezra’s ministry? What did he do? Who supported the ministry? How was the message applied? – (Neh.8:1-8)…
Nehemiah 9:1-19 Q.1. What solemn function did Ezra and the Levites perform? What impact did their ministry have on the people? What changes did the…
Nehemiah 9:19-38 Q.1. How well did God look after His people in their wilderness journeys? Did this stop after their conquest of the Promised Land?…