Isaiah 59:1-21 Q.1. What prevents the Lord from saving His people? Does the sinfulness of humanity nullify the Gospel? What hope is there for sinners?…
Isaiah 60:1-22 Q.1. What promise did God make for Israel’s future? Has this been fulfilled with their regathering to the Land? Is this a time…
Isaiah 61:1-11 Q.1. How did Jesus apply this Scripture to declare that He was the promised Messiah? Has all this prophecy been fulfilled? What does…
Isaiah 62:1-12 Q.1. Should Christian believers pray for the blessing of Zion? What should we pray for Israel? How will such prayers bring blessings to…
Isaiah 63:1-19 Q.1. Why should we fear a righteous God? To what did this prophecy point? Is there any man who can save us? What…
Isaiah 64:1-12 Q.1. What was the heart cry of Isaiah? Had Israel honoured God in the past? What was the reason for their alienation from…
Isaiah 65:1-25 Q.1. Why was God displeased with His people? What made God seek ‘outsiders? Did His judgment include all of Israel? How will the…
Isaiah 66:1-24 Q.1. Why is an earthly dwelling inadequate to express the Glory of God? What heart attitudes will gain the attention of God? What…