Psalm 20:1-9 Q.1. To whom had David written this Psalm? What was his prayer for them? In what way would this song encourage them? –…
Genesis 46:1-34 Q.1. Why was Beersheba a special place for Jacob? What happened there? What assurances did God give Jacob? – (Gen.46:1-4 c.f. Gen.15:13-14; 26:23-25)…
1 Samuel 2:12-36 Q.1. What made the sons of the priest Eli worthless? What was wrong with the way they conducted their ministries? How did…
Psalm 40:1-17 Q.1. How far had David fallen? Why was he full of praise for God? What impact would his deliverance have on others? What…
Isaiah 51:1-23 Q.1. What gave God the right to Israel’s allegiance? How far will the Law of the Lord be administered? What indication is there…
Genesis 47:1-12 Q.1. Why did Joseph select five brothers to represent the rest? What was their request? How were they received by Pharaoh? What did Pharaoh…
1 Samuel 3:1-21 Q.1. What were the spiritual conditions in which Samuel began to minister? Where was Samuel when God called him? Did Samuel know whose…
Proverbs 7:6-27 Q.1. How did the young man display a lack of sense? What kind of a woman is a harlot? What makes her words hypocritical?…
Isaiah 52:1-15 Q.1. Why was Israel’s oppression pointless? How had they been treated by God? What makes His promise of restoration amazing? How would it…
Genesis 47:13-31 Q.1. Did Joseph allow the Egyptians to become socially dependent? How did he treat the religious leaders? What did the Egyptians think about…