Ezekiel 33:1-33 Q.1. What is the duty of a watchman in protecting his people? How did God apply this role to Ezekiel? – (Ezk.33:1-9) The…
Numbers 23:1-30 Q.1. Was Balaam’s message to King Balak pleasing to him? What was the basic message God gave the prophet? – (Num.23:1-12) Balaam had…
1 Chronicles 7:1-40 Q.1. Which tribes were mentioned in this chapter? What distinguished the tribes of Issachar, Benjamin and Asher? – (1 Chr.7:1-11, 30-40) The…
Psalm 119:41-48 Q.1. What motivated the Psalmist to keep studying God’s Word? – (Ps.119:41-44) The Psalmist longed that God’s –lovingkindness may come to me, O…
Ezekiel 34:1-31 Q.1. How were God’s people treated by their leaders? What would God do about this maltreatment? – (Ezk.34:1-10) God accused the shepherds of…
Numbers 24:1-25 Q.1. Why did Balaam not take special steps to receive the prophecy about Israel? What was God’s message? – (Num.24:1-9) By now the…
1 Chronicles 8:1-40 Q.1. What privileged location did God give to the tribe of Benjamin? How would their location benefit them? – (1 Chr.8:1-32) The…
Proverbs 20:21-30 Q.1. What did the writer say about making rash comments and vows? What is the lesson for us? – (Prov.20:22, 24-25, 27) We…
Ezekiel 35:1-15 Q.1. Why was God going to bring destruction on the inhabitants of Mount Seir? – (Ezk.35:1-15) The Edomites of Mount Seir were the…
Numbers 25:1-18 Q.1. Was God’s judgment a bit severe? Why did God take such drastic steps with the leaders of His people? – (Num.25:1-9) God…