Proverbs 12:10-19 Q.1. Is animal cruelty acceptable? Why should we work diligently? What is the benefit of being wise about what we hear and say? –…
Proverbs 12:20-28 Q.1. Why should we avoid lying and deceit? How is diligence rewarded? Why should we take care in what we share? – (Prov.12:20-24) Solomon…
Proverbs 13:1-8 Q.1. What makes a son wise? How can you recognize a scoffer? Why should we watch what we hear and speak? What did Solomon…
Proverbs 13:9-16 Q.1. What did Solomon observe about light? How can we avoid strife? From where does security come? Are all hopes helpful? – (Prov.13:9-12) We…
Proverbs 13:17-25 Q.1. Why should a messenger be faithful? How should we respond to discipline? Who should our companions be? – (Prov.13:17-20 & 24) A…
Proverbs 14:1-12 Q.1. What characterizes a wise woman? What attitude to God brings blessing? Why should we take care in what we say? – (Prov.14:1-6)…
Proverbs 14:13-26 Q.1. What insights about life did Solomon give, to teach us to choose wisely? – (Prov.14:13-19) We are to learn that laughter often…
Proverbs 14:27-35 Q.1. What attitudes to God and to people ensure a fulfilling life? – verses 27-32 We should fear the Lord above all others,…
Proverbs 15:1-10 Q.1. Why should we watch how we speak? What should we remember before we speak? – (Prov.15:1-4) Much damage can be done by…
Proverbs 15:11-21 Q.1. Why should we refrain from surface judgments? What is the fruit of joy and gratitude? – (Prov.15:12-17) God made Sheol, the resting…