Psalm 1:1-6 & Psalm 2:1-12 Q.1. Psalm 1:1-16…. In what do the righteous delight? What promises are made to those who meditate on God? What…
Psalm 3:1-8 Q.1. When did David write this Psalm? How did his associates see his circumstances? Where was David’s focus amid his trouble? – (Ps.3:1-3)…
Psalm 4:1-8 & Psalm 5:1-12 Q.1. To whom did David turn during times of trial? How did the ungodly treat him? What message did David…
Psalm 6:1-10 & Psalm 7:1-17 Psalm 6:1-10 … Q.1. What suggests that David was near to death? How did he view God’s part in the…
Psalm 8:1-9 Q.1. Why did David ascribe majesty to the Lord? From whom would you expect praise for God to flow? How did Jesus commend…
Psalm 9:1-20 Q.1. How did David feel about God? On what basis does God judge, and for how long? Does this apply to the godly…
Psalm 10:1-18 Q.1. How did the Psalmist describe his plight? Where was his focus? How did he describe the attitude, actions, and reward of the…
Psalm 11:1-7 & Psalm 12:1-8 Q.1. Psalm 11:1-7 … What made David remain steadfast amid opposition? How did his view of God order his ways?…
Psalm 13:1-6 & Psalm14:1-7 Psalm 13:1-6: Q.1. Why did David feel that God had forgotten him? How serious were his circumstances? – (Ps.13:1-4) David was…
Psalm 15:1-5 & Psalm 16:1-11 Psalm 15:1-5: Q.1. What did David mean by ‘dwelling in the tabernacle on the holy hill’? Whose approach is acceptable…