Psalm 103:1-22 Q.1. What is it about God’s treatment of sinners that should call for the highest praise? – (Ps.103:1-14) The Psalmist was full of…
Psalm 104:1-35 Q.1. What past event filled the Psalmist with awe for God? What change made the earth more habitable? – (Ps.104:1-9) The Psalmist began…
Psalm 105:1-24 Q.1. How can each new generation claim the blessings of the past? – (Ps.105:1-8) Israel placed great focus on remembering the dealings of…
Psalm 105:23-45 Q.1. How much did God’s intervention on behalf of the nation change the fortunes of the people? – (Ps.105:23-37) These verses describe the…
Psalm 106:1-23 Q.1. What draws out the boundless praise from the Psalmist in the light of Israel’s history? – (Ps.106:1-5) The Psalmist introduced this lesson…
Psalm 106:24-48 Q.1. How low did Israel stoop, thus causing God to remove His people from the Promised land? Are similar sins committed by our…
Psalm 107:1-22 Q.1. How did the Psalmist view God’s faithfulness? Why was it fitting for Israel to give thanks to the Lord? – (Ps.107:1-9) This…
Psalm 107:23-43 Q.1. How does the sea remind us to depend upon God? How should we respond to the might of the ocean? – (Ps.107:23-32)…
Psalm 108:1-13 Q.1. What considerations about God helped the Psalmist to be steadfast? What made his praise all the more meritorious? – (Ps.108:1-5) The Psalmists…
Psalm 109:1-31 Q.1. What justification is there for asking God to expose and punish the wicked? How should we treat our enemies? – (Ps.109:1-20) All…