Psalm 119:73-80 Q.1. What were the aspects of God’s character that inspired the Psalmist? How did this shape his view of life? – (Ps.119:73-77) The…
Ezekiel 39:1-29 Q.1. What will happen to the kingdoms of Gog? Why will God bring Gog down? – (Ezk.39:1-8) It makes most sense to see…
Philemon 1:1-25 Q.1. What kind of a man was Philemon? What was Paul’s relationship with him? – (Phm.1:1-10 & 21-25) Philemon hosted a church gathering…
John 3:22-36 Q.1. How did John respond to the news that Jesus was baptizing increasing numbers of disciples? What is the lesson for us? –…
Numbers 30:1-16 Q.1. Why was the vow of a man treated differently from the vow of a woman? Can a vow ever be broken? –…
1 Chronicles 14:1-17 Q.1. How did David respond to the success of his kingdom? What were the benefits of his growing family? – (1 Chr.14:1-7)…
Proverbs 21:13-20 Q.1. What insights did the writer give about our treatment of the needy? – (Prov.21:13-15) We are encouraged to be generous with the…
Ezekiel 40:1-49 Q.1. Where was Israel when Ezekiel received this unique vision? What did the prophet foretell? Why was it given to him? – (Ezk.40:1-4)…
Hebrews 1:1-7 Q.1. In what way is Christ a vastly better revelation of God? How should we respond to such news? – (Heb.1:1-3) All the…
John 4:1-26 Q.1. How many disciples did Jesus baptize? What prompted Him to depart from Judea for Samaria? – (Jn.4:1-6) Though huge numbers were coming…