1 Chronicles 25:1-31 Q.1. How did David ensure that music was a large part of Israel’s worship? What different gifts determined their contributions? (1 Chr.25:1-5)…
Psalm 119:137-144 Q.1. What makes the Word of God right? How does this ensure that it will always apply, and will forever endure? (Ps.119:137-142) Men…
Daniel 3:1-30 Q.1. How significant was Nebuchadnezzar’s image? What was the threat to those who would not worship the ninety feet image? (Dan.3:1-7) Image often…
Hebrews 7:1-10 Q.1. What is the significance of the High Priestly role of Melchizedek that Jesus holds for us? (Heb.7:1-3) The name Melchizedek means Righteous…
John 8:12-30 Q.1. What impact do light and darkness have on us? How could Jesus be the Light of the World? (Jn.8:12) Even a child…
Deuteronomy 4:1-24 Q.1. Why did God give His commands to Israel? What is the danger of adding or taking from God’s Word? (Dt.4:1-8) God gave…
1 Chronicles 26:1-32 Q.1. What role was assigned to the Gatekeepers? Why is it recorded that God blessed Obed-Edom? (1 Chr.26:1-19) These Levites were rostered…
Proverbs 22:22-29 Q.1. Why is it foolish to take advantage of the poor and defenceless? (Prov.22:22-23) Because most people in society have concluded that there…
Daniel 4:1-37 Q.1. What was the substance of the dream that terrorized the king? Why did the dream frighten Daniel? (Dan.4:4-19) Through the dream, God…
Hebrews 7:11-28 Q.1. Why was the change of priesthood from Levi to Melchizedek needed? How did Jesus qualify for this endless and indestructible priesthood? (Heb.7:11-17)…