2 Chronicles 6:1-21 Q.1. Who chose Jerusalem as the location of the Temple? Why did Solomon build it? – (2 Chr.6:1-11) God had dismissed all…
Proverbs 23:24-35 Q.1. How is a healthy respect for our parents beneficial? What is the fruit of such a relationship? – (Prov.23:24-26) God has promised…
Hosea 1:1-11 Q.1. When did Hosea minister? Why was the prophet called to marry a harlot? What was God’s message to Israel and Judah through…
Hebrews 12:1-13 Q.1. What assistance are believers given in living for Christ? What makes the journey so difficult? How can Christ’s example inspire us to…
John 12:20-36 Q.1. Why did the Greeks come to Jerusalem? What are we to make of the response of Jesus to these inquirers? – (Jn.12:20-26)…
Deut. 12:32-13:18 Q.1. Can false prophets be identified by signs? How passionately was Israel to maintain their relationship with God? – (Dt.12:32-13:5) In Deuteronomy 18:20-22,…
2 Chronicles 6:22-42 Q.1. What made the Temple such a significant house of prayer? What were the prerequisites for God to forgive the sins of…
Psalm 124:1-8 &Psalm 125:1-5 Q.1. What did the Psalmists want Israel to acknowledge as they prepared to worship? How were they to view their enemies…
Hosea 2:1-23 Q.1. How had Israel displayed her unfaithfulness? How would God deal with this infidelity? What sort of a ‘husband’ had God been to…
Hebrews 12:14-29 Q.1. What is the message that the writer of Hebrews wanted to convey regarding Esau? How important is holiness to God? – (Heb.12:14-17)…