1 John 5:1-13 Q.1. What makes a true child of God? Why are God’s commandments no longer a burden to those who have received the…
Acts 9:1-19 Q.1. What was Saul’s mission? Who was he persecuting? How did God turn his life around? Were his companions aware of Saul’s encounter?…
Job 13:1-28 Q.1. How did the responses of Job’s friends affect him? Did he accept that they were speaking accurately for God? How would their…
Ezra 6:1-22 Q.1. What was the substance of the decree of Cyrus? What instruction did King Darius give on the strength of this edict? How…
Ecclesiastes 4:1-16 Q.1. Is comfort available to the oppressed and the oppressors? What was Solomon’s observation and conclusion about labour and hard work? – (Ecc.4:1-8)…
Nahum 1:1-15 Q.1. When did Nahum prophesy against Nineveh? What insights about God did he deliver to the Assyrians? Did he offer hope to anyone?…
1 John 5:14-21 Q.1. What condition did God place upon answering our prayers? How are we to understand John’s teaching about praying regarding sin leading…
Acts 9:19-43 Q.1. What change was there in Saul after he met Christ? Where did he share the Gospel? How did he escape his assassins?…
Job 14:1-22 Q.1. How did Job view life? Who determines the circumstances of our lives? How final is death? What is the challenge of these…
Ezra 7:1-28 Q.1. What were Ezra’s credentials? How easily was this trip accomplished? Who went with Ezra? What was the reason why Ezra went to…