Proverbs 28:1-9 Q.1. What makes the righteous bold? How are the righteous a blessing to society? Why are the wicked often tolerated? – (Prov.28:1-5) Those…
Nahum 2:1-13 Q.1. What did Nahum’s prophecy about Nineveh describe? What did it say about Israel? Why is all this destruction coming? – (Nah.2:1-13) Nahum…
2 John 1:1-13 Q.1. To whom was John writing? What gladdened the heart of the apostle? What was the thrust of his message? – (2…
Acts 10:1-23 Q.1. What kind of a man was Cornelius? Why was he visited by an angel? What message was he given? How did this…
Job 15:1-35 Q.1. What attitude did Eliphaz display toward the suffering Job? What insights did he give about God and man? – (Job 15:1-16) Eliphaz…
Ezra 8:1-36 Q.1. Who were the people who went with Ezra on the return journey? Who was missing from the mission? What did Ezra do…
Ecclesiastes 5:1-20 Q.1. How should we approach the house of God? Why can our dreams cause us to make empty vows? What advice was given…
Nahum 3:1-19 Q.1. What would happen to Nineveh? What had the city been like? Why would her destruction not be reversed? – (Nah.3:1-19) Assyria, with…
3 John 1:1-14 Q.1. What did John think of Gaius? Why? How was the church to treat missionaries? Why? – (3 Jn.1:1-8) John loved the…
Acts 10:23-48 Q.1. What made Peter accept the Gentile delegation? How did he explain his break with Jewish prejudice? Why did Cornelius invite Peter? –…