Matthew 23:23-39 Q.1. On what part of the Law did the Scribes and Pharisees focus? How did Jesus see the keeping of the Law? Why…
Genesis 45:1-28 Q.1. How did Joseph make himself known to his brothers? What made it hard for them to comprehend the disclosure? Was the news…
1 Samuel 2:1-11 Q.1. What did Hannah’s humiliation do for her appreciation of the Lord? How did she view God? What do we learn about…
Psalm 39:1-13 Q.1. What lesson had David learned about communication? Why did he hide his true feelings? Where did he focus his thoughts? Why is…
Isaiah 50:1-11 Q.1. How had Israel treated God? What searching questions did He ask the nation? To what conclusion did He want them to come?…
1 Corinthians 10:14-22 Q.1. Why should we flee from idolatry? What is the message of communion? How should we understand the emblems of the Blood…
Matthew 25:14-30 Q.1. What other aspect of the Kingdom of Heaven did Jesus illustrate? How much did the master entrust to his slaves? What did…
Genesis 49:1-33 Q.1. How did Jacob understand these blessings on his sons? Why did he not overlook the sins of his three eldest sons? How…
1 Samuel 6:1-21 & 7:1-2 Q.1. What does the advice of the Philistine priests tell us about the heathen’s understanding of sin? What did they…
NOTE: Wisdom is seeing life from God’s point of view Proverbs 8:1-21 Q.1. What makes God’s wisdom crucial for us all? Can we always rely…