Isaiah 65:1-25 Q.1. Why was God displeased with His people? What made God seek ‘outsiders? Did His judgment include all of Israel? How will the…
2 Corinthians 1:12-24 Q.1. On what basis did Paul make his appeal to the Corinthians? Why should God’s servants be faithful and true in word…
Mark 1:1-20 Q.1. Where did Mark begin his presentation of the Gospel? Who was John the Baptizer? About what was John’s ministry? What impact did…
Exodus 9:1-35 Q.1. Was Israel afflicted by the plague on Egypt’s livestock? Why? What was the purpose of the next plague? Why did God spare…
1 Samuel 16:1-23 Q.1. How deeply was Samuel impacted by Saul’s failure? What did God do to break the prophet’s depression? Where was he to…
Psalm 51:1-19 Q.1. What was the context of this Psalm? On what basis did David seek forgiveness from God? How did he view his sin?…
Isaiah 66:1-24 Q.1. Why is an earthly dwelling inadequate to express the Glory of God? What heart attitudes will gain the attention of God? What…
2 Corinthians 2:1-11 Q.1. About what issue had Paul written to the Corinthian church? Why had he decided not to visit them at that time?…
Mark 1:21-39 Q.1. Where did Jesus start training His disciples? What impressed the people with His ministry? Why did demons react to Jesus? How is…
Exodus 10:1-29 Q.1. Why did God harden Pharaoh’s heart? With what plague was Egypt threatened, if Pharaoh refused to let the Hebrews go? How did…