1 Samuel 17:1-31 Q.1. Where was the battle being fought? Who was Goliath? How was he described? What was his challenge to Israel? Why were…
Proverbs 9:10-18 Q.1. What makes fear the beginning of wisdom? Why is it crucial to know God, in order to gain understanding? What are the…
Jeremiah 1:1-19 Q.1. Who was Jeremiah? During whose reigns did he minister? When was Jeremiah called to be a prophet? How did the prophet respond?…
2 Corinthians 2:12-17 Q.1. Why did Paul experience stress when sharing the Gospel at Troas? Can our circumstances destroy the triumph of Christ? Why does…
Mark 1:40-45 & Mark 2:1-12 Q.1. Why would the leper have doubts that Jesus would want to heal him? How did Jesus treat him? Why…
Exodus 11:1-10 & Exodus 12:1-20 Q.1. What made this the final plague? What was God’s instruction to His people? Why was this plague the worst…
1 Samuel 17:32-58 Q.1. Why did Saul try to stop David from fighting Goliath? How did David support his offer to King Saul? Why did…
Psalm 52:1-9 Q.1. What were the circumstances of this Psalm? What kind of a person was David addressing? How would this wicked person be recompensed…
Jeremiah 2:1-19 Q.1. How did God view Israel’s beginning? What was His question to the nation? Why was God outraged by their treatment of Him?…
2 Corinthians 3:1-6 Q.1. Did Paul need letters of commendation to endorse his ministry? What made the Corinthians better than a letter? How are we…