Mark 2:13-28 Q .1. What was Jesus doing on the shores of Galilee? Why was it surprising that He called Levi? Was Matthew Levi ashamed…
Exodus 12:21-51 Q.1. What instruction did Moses give the elders of Israel regarding the Passover lamb? Why was blood to be applied to the doorposts?…
1 Samuel 18:1-30 Q.1. Why was Jonathan attracted to David? How deep was the friendship between them? What soured Saul’s relationship with David? How did…
Psalm 53:1-6 & Psalm 54:1-7 Q.1. Psalm 53:1-6: What makes a man a fool? What does such godlessness produce? How do the ungodly face life’s…
Jeremiah 2:20-37 Q.1. What was God’s complaint against the house of Jacob? How did Israel respond to God’s chastening? What stupidity did idolatry produce? How…
2 Corinthians 3:7-18 Q.1. With what did Paul contrast the Gospel? Why will the ministry of the Spirit be attended with glory? Is the reading…
Mark 3:1-19 Q .1. Why were the religious leaders scrutinising Jesus in the Synagogue? What do you make of the questions Jesus asked? How was…
Exodus 13:1-22 Q.1. Why did all Israel’s firstborn belong to the Lord? How did God connect this consecration with the Exodus? What was to be…
1 Samuel 19:1-24 Q.1. What were Saul’s plans for David? How did Jonathan convince his father to change his plans? What was David’s attitude to…
Proverbs 10:1-10 Q.1. What impact can children have on their parents? How important is righteousness? What blessing was promised to the righteous? Will the wicked…