Jeremiah 23:1-24 Q.1. What damage had the shepherds of Judah done? What prophecy did God give concerning the sheep and the great Shepherd? – (Jer.23:1-6)…
Galatians 2:1-10 Q.1. Why did Paul keep his visit to Jerusalem private? Did Titus have to be circumcised? How were they treated by the Judaizers? –…
Mark 12:13-27 Q.1. What leaders tried to trap Jesus? Were they respectful? What trap did they lay? How did Jesus answer them? – (Mk.12:13-17) The…
Exodus 34:1-35 Q.1. On what basis was Moses to return up Mount Sinai? What guidelines did God give? How did Moses approach God? Why? –…
2 Samuel 8:1-18 Q.1. How far did David extend his reign? On what basis? Was it right for David to hamstring horses? – (2 Sam.8:1-6…
Proverbs 12:10-19 Q.1. Is animal cruelty acceptable? Why should we work diligently? What is the benefit of being wise about what we hear and say? –…
Jeremiah 23:23-40 Q.1. How did the false prophets mislead the people? How would God deal with them? From where does a true message come? –…
Galatians 2:11-21 Q.1. Why did Paul clash with Peter? What impact did Peter’s prejudice have on the others? How did Paul tackle the problem? – (Gal.2:11-14)…
Mark 12:28-44 Q.1. What did the Scribe ask Jesus? How did Jesus respond to him? Did the Scribe agree? How did Jesus view this man?…
Exodus 35:1-29 Q.1. How was the Sabbath to be observed? From where did the tabernacle materials come? Who made the tabernacle and its fittings? –…