Mark 13:14-37 Q.1. To whom does the ‘Abomination of Desolation’ apply? How bad will this time be? Who are the elect to whom Jesus was…
Exodus 37:1-29 Q.1. How did Bezalel make the Ark? Where did the poles go? What was the Mercy Seat for? Where did the Cherubim go?…
2 Samuel 11:1-27 Q.1. What were the circumstances that led to David’s adultery? How was David exposed? Did David succeed in covering his sin? –…
Proverbs 12:20-28 Q.1. Why should we avoid lying and deceit? How is diligence rewarded? Why should we take care in what we share? – (Prov.12:20-24) Solomon…
Jeremiah 25:15-38 Q.1. How did Jeremiah communicate the coming of God’s wrath? How far was God’s judgment extended? – (Jer.25:15-26) God declared that He would…
Galatians 4:1-20 Q.1. How did Paul view Israel before Jesus came? Why did God send His Son? How does Christ change our relationship with God?…
Mark 14:1-26 Q.1. What were the religious leaders planning? What happened at Simon the Leper’s home? How did the disciples and Jesus respond? – (Mk.14:1-9)…
Exodus 38:1-31 Q.1. How was the altar to be constructed? What did the women do? How did the outer court adornment compare with that of…
2 Samuel 12:1-31 Q.1. What message did God give David through Nathan? What was David’s response? To whom was the story directed? – (2 Sam.12:1-7)…
Psalm 75:1-10 &Psalm 76:1-12 Q.1. How did Asaph view God? How will God treat the wicked? How did God’s sovereignty comfort the Psalmist? – (Ps.75:1-10) In…