Psalm 95:1-11 Q.1. Why is the Lord worthy of our praise and thanksgiving? How can we relate to Him? – (Ps.95:1-7) David ascribed to God…
Jeremiah 51:1-32 Q.1. How did the future destruction of Babylon compare with God’s treatment of His own people? – (Jer.51:1-10) A remnant of Israel was…
Colossians1:1-14 Q.1. Why was Paul thankful for the Colossians? What was his prayer for the church? How did he commend Epaphras? – (Col.1:1-8) Paul addressed…
Luke 7:36-50 Q.1. How did Simon the Pharisee respond to the outpouring of love on Jesus by a disreputable woman? – (Lk.7:36-39) Out of courtesy,…
Leviticus 19:1-37 Q.1. How did God describe Himself? In what way was Israel to acknowledge God’s holiness? How was He profaned? – (Lev.19:1-8) Before all…
1 Kings 13:1-34 Q.1. What was remarkable about the intervention of the man of God? How did Jeroboam respond? – (1 Kgs.13:1-10) It took great…
Psalm 96:1-13 Q.1. Why is God to be praised above all others? With whom were the good tidings to be shared? Why? – (Ps.96:1-10) We…
Jeremiah 51:33-64 Q.1. Why will God exact His full vengeance on the Babylonians? – (Jer.51:33-44) Babylon had executed judgment without restraint against Judah. Trials and…
Colossians 1:15-23 Q.1. How did Paul describe the Saviour? What special place does Christ have in the universe? In what way is He the Head…
Luke 8:1-15 Q.1. What interesting insight did Luke share about the band of followers who surrounded Jesus? – (Lk.8:1-3) Jesus had an itinerant ministry. He…