1 Thessalonians 1:6-10 Q.1. What was it about the response of the Thessalonians that so thrilled the apostle? – (1 Thes.1:6-8) The Thessalonians had imitated…
Luke 9:46-62 Q.1. In what ways did the disciples of Jesus misunderstand His mission? – (Lk.9:46-56) This passage reveals several misconceptions that the disciples had…
Leviticus 25:25-55 Q.1. What kinds of safeguards did God build into the redemption of land and houses, in order to protect those in debt? –…
1 Kings 21:1-29 Q.1. Was it reasonable for Naboth to refuse to sell his property to King Ahab? – (1 Kgs.21:1-6) After Israel conquered the…
Psalm 101:1-8 Q.1. How did David ensure that his home was a safe haven? How may this apply to the use of modern technology? –…
Ezekiel 1:1-28 Q.1. Why would the visions of God be such an encouragement to Ezekiel? What did the vision confirm about God’s control? – (Ezk.1:1-21)…
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Q.1. What attitude toward God and men motivated Paul to preach the Gospel? – (1 Thes.2:1-4) Most people would have given up…
Luke 10:1-24 Q.1. Why did Jesus send out the seventy disciples? What were His instructions? – (Lk.10:1-11 & 16) As with the Twelve, Jesus sent…
Leviticus 26:1-22 Q.1. What did God want from His Covenant people? How would they know if He was pleased with them? – (Lev.26:1-10) The blessings…
1 Kings 22:1-28 Q.1. Why did King Jehoshaphat ask for ‘a prophet of the Lord’? What made him suspicious of the false prophets? – (1…