Proverbs 19:1-10 Q.1. What are the characteristics of a fool? – (Prov.19:1, 3, 10) A fool is crooked, and not straightforward in his speech (Prov.19:1).…
Ezekiel 21:1-32 Q.1. What attitude was the prophet to display as he pronounced God’s coming judgment? What did this reveal about God’s reluctance to punish…
1 Timothy 4:1-8 Q.1. From where did the idea of End-time apostasy come? What distortions of the Gospel can we expect? – (1 Tim.4:1-3) Some…
Luke 18:35-43 & Lk.19:1-10 Q.1. How does the difference between the attitude of Jesus and that of the crowds, challenge us? – (Lk.18:35-43) Bartimaeus, the…
Numbers 14:10-25 Q.1. What was so amazing about the intercession of Moses? About whom was Moses really concerned? – (Num.14:10-19) The crowd was preparing to…
2 Kings 19:1-37 Q.1. Why did King Hezekiah send his servants to Isaiah, the Prophet? What answer did Isaiah give to Hezekiah? – (2 Kgs.19:1-7)…
Psalm 113:1-9 & Ps.114:1-8 Q.1. Why is the God of Israel so worthy of praise? When is God to be praised? – (Ps.113:1-6) God is…
Ezekiel 22:1-31 Q.1. Why was God so angry with Judah? What did He desire the chastening of His people to produce? – (Ezk.22:1-22) God could…
1 Timothy 4:9-16 Q.1. What truth was Timothy to embrace, in order to ensure that he was not side-tracked by other lofty causes? – (1…
Luke 19:11-27 Q.1. What prompted Jesus to tell this parable? What is a ‘mina’? How might this parable apply today? – (Lk.19:11-13) Previously, Luke recorded…