Psalm 118:1-29 Q.1. What experiences drew rich praise from the Psalmist? What conclusion did the Psalmist come to about his God? – (Ps.118:1-18) The Psalmist…
Ezekiel 25:1-17 Q.1. What attitude in these nations was singled out for God’s judgment? What does this tell us about God? – (Ezk.25:1-17) Up to…
1 Timothy 6:11-21 Q.1. How was Timothy to maintain a faithful testimony to Christ? In what way is Christ our model? – (1 Tim.6:11-14) He…
Luke 21:5-38 Q.1. What prompted Jesus to give details of His return? What kinds of events will herald the Endtimes? Will all His people survive?…
Numbers 17:1-13 Q.1. Why was Moses commanded to place a rod for each tribe, and one for Levi, in God’s presence in the Tabernacle? –…
2 Kings 23:30-37 & 24:1-20 Q.1. What kind of kings reigned after Josiah? What indignity did God heap on Judah through Egypt? – (2 Kgs.23:30-37)…
Proverbs 19:21-29 Q.1. What attitudes should we develop towards planning the future? What difference will fearing God make? – (Prov.19:21-23) God’s plan is not about…
Ezekiel 26:1-21 Q.1. What was the distinctive feature of the city of Tyre? What was God’s purpose in making Tyre desolate? – (Ezk.26:1-21) Tyre was…
2 Timothy 1:1-12 Q.1. What did Paul remind Timothy of in his call to the ministry? How can such a focus encourage us to serve?…
Luke 22:1-38 Q.1. What do we learn about Judas, one of the Twelve? How did Jesus know about the coming betrayal? – (Lk.22:1-6, 21-22) Judas…