Luke 11:14-28 Q.1. How did Jesus refute the claim that He was in league with Beelzebub the ruler of demons? – (Lk.11:14-20) Jesus had cast…
Numbers 1:1-54 Q.1. Who qualified for this census? Why was it wise to nominate a representative from each tribe to help with the census? –…
2 Kings 2:1-25 Q.1. How did Elisha distinguish himself from all the other trainee prophets? What was Elisha’s driving passion? – (2 Kgs.2:1-9) As did…
Psalm 104:1-35 Q.1. What past event filled the Psalmist with awe for God? What change made the earth more habitable? – (Ps.104:1-9) The Psalmist began…
Ezekiel 5:1-17 Q.1. How was Ezekiel to proclaim the desolation of the nation? Why would God act against His people? – (Ezk.5:1-12) God told the…
1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 Q.1. Who should we be trying to please when it comes to expressing our sexuality? – (1 Thes.4:1-5) In general terms the…