John 9:24-41 Q.1. Why were the Jewish leaders sceptical about the healing? How did the healed man address their denunciation of Jesus? – (Jn.9:24-25 c.f.…
Deuteronomy 6:1-25 Q.1. What reason did Moses give for repeating God’s Laws and Commandments to the nation? (Dt.6:1-5) Israel had received the Law some forty…
1 Chronicles 29:1-30 Q.1. Why did King David store up so much wealth? How did the people respond to David’s generosity? What impact does generosity…
Proverbs 23:1-11 Q.1. What do you make of the advice about accepting hospitality from others? – (Prov.23:1-3, 6-8) The Scriptures make much of the importance…
Daniel 7:1-28 Q.1. What characterized the kingdoms described by Daniel? How do they compare with his vision of the Ancient of Days? – (Dan.7:1-12) The…
Hebrews 9:11-28 Q.1. What makes the shedding of the blood of Jesus as our Great High Priest so much more perfect than the Old Testament…