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Ephesians 4:17-32

Q.1. What counsel was given to those who have given their lives to Christ? – (Eph.4:17-24)

We are to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord. This is so because our former life of futility and ignorance which expressed itself in lust and selfishness, was not consistent with the example of Christ. Paul highlighted that – you did not learn Christ in that way (Eph.4:20 c.f. Eph.4:17-19). The descriptions of – futility of their mind … darkened in their understanding … the ignorance that is in them … the hardness of their hearts – reveals this to be a major battle of the mind (Eph.4:17-18). The antidote for this problem, is to apply the – … truth that is in Jesus (Eph.4:21). Paul urged us to LAY ASIDE the old self – and to PUT ON the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth (Eph.4:24). This is excellent practical advice that is based on the transformation that has come about when we gave our lives to the Lord.

Q.2. Why should we act quickly to resolve conflicts? – (Eph.4:25-27)

It is inevitable that conflicts will arise.  We should follow the practice of – laying aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbour, for we are members of one another (Eph.4:25). Should conflict arise that may express itself in anger, Paul urged us to not allow this anger to extend to the next day but to resolve the problem quickly lest we give the Devil an opportunity (Eph.4:26-27).

Q.3. For what reason is seeking and extending forgiveness crucial to the believer’s progress? – (Eph.4:29-32)

The Lord has already sealed the child of God for the day of redemption. This gives us great security. Disunity and unforgiveness between believers, grieve the indwelling Holy Spirit (Eph.4:30). Broken relationships are caused by bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, slander, and malice (Eph.4:31). We have been forgiven much, so therefore must forgive others. If we hang onto grudges, we reveal a lack of understanding and appreciation for God’s generosity in forgiving us. Unforgiveness will hinder our prayers and progress (Eph.3:32 c.f. 1 Pet.3:7).

Posted in Bible Books, BRP Plus, New Testament, Year 3, Letters, Chapter 4, Ephesians, Week 5, Day 6