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Galatians 5:1-15

Q.1. Why did Jesus die and rise again? What slavery should the Galatians avoid? Could a person be saved by keeping the Law? On what basis do we have hope in the future? – (Gal.5:1-6)

Paul had explained the difference between two mothers, two covenants, and two mountains, to illustrate our freedom from the Law (c.f. Gal.4:21-31). He then drove home the fact that – it was for freedom that Christ set us free … (Gal.5:1). The thought that the Galatians would be drawn back to the bondage of the Law mystified Paul, because then – Christ will be of no benefit to you …and – you have been severed from Christ … (Gal.5:2 & 4). He argued that it should be obvious that no one could be saved by keeping the Law, for this would demand – that he is under obligation to keep the whole law (Gal.5:3). Nevertheless, though we have been declared righteous in God’s sight by the Cross of Christ – we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness – when we will be redeemed, never to sin again (Gal.5:5). This faith in future perfection is demonstrated by – faith working through love (Gal.5:6). Such perfection would be unachievable by keeping the Law.

Q.2. What false teaching had spread into the church? What did it produce in the church? How did this differ from the Gospel Paul had presented? Where should our focus be? – (Gal.5:7-15)

Paul continued in this theme of love over Law. He was amazed that they had drifted from the liberty of the Gospel, back to the Law. He likened this false teaching to the spreading of leaven through a lump of dough (Gal.5:7-10). He stated that – this persuasion did not come from Him who calls you (Gal.5:8). If Paul had preached the Law, he would have avoided persecution. However, the preaching of the Gospel was a stumbling block to the Jews because it removed the need for the keeping of the Law (Gal.5:11 c.f. 1 Cor.1:23-24). Paul recognized the danger of – turning freedom into an opportunity for the flesh … (Gal.5:13). [This expresses itself in an attitude that presumes upon God’s forgiveness, regardless of how we live, since we are saved by grace]. To this Paul urged his readers – 13 … through love to serve one another. 14 For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word … You shall love your neighbour as yourself (Gal.5:13-14). The legalism of the Galatians based on rule keeping was producing bitterness and aggression, rather than the freedoms produced by the Gospel (Gal.5:15).

Posted in Bible Books, BRP Plus, Year 2, New Testament, Letters, Galatians, Chapter 5, Day 6, Week 46